Musings & Newsings

At Har Sinai- for Shavuot!
A Shavuot song for kids and families. Let’s use our senses to imagine what it was like to receive Torah at Mount Sinai!

Moses Isn’t in the Haggadah?!
A new song for Passover that explores the elements of our seder!

Online Celebration for ORAH HI
Join us to celebrate ORAH HI with learning and song!

Revisiting “Sukkat Shalom”
some thoughts on a old song, and an old prayer

A new melody for Dayenu?!

T’fillah Teachers Fellowship
Nominate an educator for the T’fillah Teachers Fellowship!

Exciting News!
We are so honored and grateful to have received a covenant ignition grant to launch the T’fillah Teachers Fellowship!

The Deep Dive- A Six-part Sh’ma Series!
Join us for this experiment in t’fillah learning over three weeks

skyman - video and learning
To help inspire contemplation and conversation, each track from the album “s*ngs ab-ut g?d” will have a corresponding video and learning guide. Feel free to use with attribution in your classrooms, home, or for your own practice!

Mostly I’m Silent
This is the first in a series I’m calling “(accidental) s*ngs ab-ut g?d.” (and by g?d I mean… that which is greater than us. Or holiness. Or is-ness. Or whatever you think!)